By educating you, you will quickly get a grasp of the current market, enabling you to understand the value of any given property. This will therefore ensure that you can make offers comfortably and confidently, with peace of mind. Working with me you will avoid making an expensive mistake.
The negotiation for me is easier, having relationships with local estate agency decision makers, I can get the true insight on what the lowest realistic price will be.
My goal is for you to know you bought at the correct level, often saving you money from the listed price.
I charge a % success fee, of the purchase price plus VAT or %, if greater, of the saving negotiated between the documented asking price and the final purchase price.
An initial retainer starts the process, deductible from the success fee. When working with reputible agencies this fee will be covered by them.
Colin Cook - Bespoke Property Search & Management Malta
Valletta, Malta